Bear beer deer ear tear V2
2021-03-04 11:57:31
A few days earlier I presented my idea for game: Bear beer deer ear tear. It is two player tug of war game. I though to myself, how would I make it 4 player game? I had to throw out all old mechanics and create the new one. Let’s talk about it.
Players count: 3-4
Cards: 25 (5x of each kind).
Choosing the first player: Draw a cards until one of the players draws bear card. He will be the first player.
Preparation for the game. Mix the deck of card. Give each player 5 cards. The rest cards place in the line in the middle of the table.
First player can start the game.
Goal of the game: First player that has 5 different cards in front of him is a winner.

Playing the game. Active player chooses a card from his hand, places it face down and pushes it to the player of his choice to attack him. Attacking player says two words from: bear beer deer ear tear. One of the words has to be the truth (actual card) another word (obviously) is a lie.
Defending player has to guess the card, however he has to choose different words to say what he thinks is on the card. For example if defending player thinks that the card is bear, he should say grizzly. See table with recommend words below. After defending player guesses the card, card is revealed. If defending player guessed correct, he takes the card. If he doesn’t have such card in front of him, he puts it there. If he already has such card in front of him, he takes the card to his hand.
Also, if there are cards in the middle he chooses one of those cards. The chosen card is reveled. If defending player doesn’t have such card in front of him, he put it there. If he already has such card in front of him, he takes the card to his hand.
If there are no more cards in the middle, when defending player draws one card from attacking player. The chosen card is revealed. If defending player doesn’t have such card in front of him, he put it there. If he already has such card in front of him, he takes the card to his hand.
If defending player guess wrongly when attacking player does what was described above. I.E.
If attacking player doesn’t have such card in front of him, he puts it there. If he already has such card in front of him, he takes the card back to his hand.
Also, if there are cards in the middle attacking player chooses one of those cards. The chosen card is reveled. If attacking player doesn’t have such card in front of him, he put it there. If he already has such card in front of him, he takes the card to his hand.
If there are no more cards in the middle, when attacking player draws one card from defending player. The chosen card is revealed. If attacking player doesn’t have such card in front of him, he put it there. If he already has such card in front of him, he takes the card to his hand.
If after the end of the turn player doesn’t have any cards left in his hand and he didn’t win the game, he is out of the game.
Turn moves to defending player (doesn’t matter if he guessed the card correctly). He can choose any player to attack except the one who attacked him. If defending player has lost his last card and is out of the game, when attacking player can do one more turn. If there are only two players left, then the one with more cards in front of him is a winner. If they are tied, when their get one more turn each to break the tie. If they are tied after that, the game ends with no winners.
Phrases. Players should agree what code phrases to use for each card before the start of the game. They can use the ones bellow from the table or they can use they own. Please give each player, player aid that they won’t forget agreed phrases.

Design decisions. This is a game of mishearing and speaking not clearly on purpose. If you are in the phone during the game, this game will make you angry. This game should generate a lot of noise.
In this game, if four player play it. It can happen that one player just sitting here and is not getting any action. First player attacks third player. Third player attacks second player. Second player attacks first player. Perfect loop. Also fourth player is left out of the game. You can say that friends don’t leave friends out of the game. But if the fourth player needs only one card to win the game, it’s in everyone interest to leave him out of the game. I though a lot about it and I don’t have a solution. This game is broken. You can make it work in three players, when they just go in the circle or with five players when you add additional rule, that players can’t attack their neighbors. Again, circle, a bit odd one but still, players go around on track.
Solution for not leaving anyone in four player game would be to say, that you always have to attack your neighbor on the left, but there is a fun in that?
Art. The same as in the original game. The art is made by me. For this game I would like to have some crazy, silly art, it would be nice if each card had different image. Yes, there must be five bear cards, but it could be the same bear doing five different actions. That would be nice, wouldn’t it?
Would you like to playtest it? PDF File with game cards. Any feedback is welcome. 
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